If you see a kitten you desire and want us to hold it there are a couple thing's we require from you, for us to hold that specific kitten.
you must sign and return before 7 days (1 week) or you will not have any guarantees on a spot for the Kitten you want:
Within this time FairyTailBengals will mark the kitten you are inquiring about as "Pending" so no one else can take interest in them.
All Kittens come with Sign Pet Contract/ Kitten Care Sheet, no acceptations.
Sometimes Our contract is sent with the kitten day of purchase.
If you change your mind on the Bengal you want and circumstances have changed, instead of forfeiting your deposit, we can always hold your deposit for a Kitten in the future.
-Limited to two year's from the date of deposit for holding a future Kitten.-
If you have submitted a "Kitten Application" and not received a response to your Kitten Application, please follow up with a text.
(Your First and Last name when texting us are required, so we know who you are.)
This information is also on our Contact US page
Our Kittens range in price based on Coat:
Pure for Spotting
Overall Quality
A Bengals price shouldn't be your only concern when purchasing one of these Exotic Beauties, Be Aware, whether you do buy from us or not please make sure the cattery you purchase from is registered with a Cat's Associate and we recommend you calling the association to make sure there still in good standing with them if they claim there registered but not listed on a "Cats Associated" website, as well as they provide all or similar to what we provide for you, it's important to know what the price all includes and what services that are provided from the Cattery. Prices do not include shipping or anything that deal with the shipping process, " Health Certifications" are extra.
So Why are Bengal Prices the price they are?
See what's all included with your Kitten, with Our Cattery you're not just getting a Kitten, Your getting Quality and so much more.
Our price quality ranges anywhere from $2,400 - $3,000. It might seem like a lot but if you break it down, we invest a lot of money and time into the Kittens. You can find a Bengal out there for any price however if it's under $1,000 I would recommend not buying from that Breeder then due to the quality and if you think about it, what investment have they really put into taking care of that kitten? I suggest to do research on any Breeder before purchasing a animal. We strive to breed a purfect balance, to have the wild beauty and still the best quality with the love and snuggles right in your arms.
To get on our wait list for a pet, you must fill out a Kitten Application first it is the best way to ensure you get the Kitten you desire.
Wait List Clients always get first pick whenever a new litter is born, they can pass onto the next litter if they wish and we will hold there spot.
After you submit a Kitten Application,
we will contact you within the 48 hours.
While you are waiting to hear from us,
please review our "Kitten Care Sheet" and "Pet Contract". when your Kitten Application is approved and reviewed, we will contact you.
The "Papers" you will receive on your Kittens/Cats in our folder:
TICA - Certification of Registration (Title to your Kitten)
PKD & PRA-b DNA Testing papers of parents
HCM Screening Test Results papers of parents
TICA - 5 Year Pedigrees for Sire & Dam
Kitten Care Sheet
Copy Of Pet Contract - Written Health Guarantee / Warranty
Microchip registration paper work
Feces Exam
Health Exam - Kittens are healthy condition at the time of leaving our cattery (this doesn't mean for Health Certification, that is extra charge)
Feline Health Record of:
Vaccinations, De-worming, Veterinarian Visits
Certificate of Sterility
Kitten Care Package
What we do for your Kitten:
We Microchip all Kittens/Cats leaving Our Cattery
Sold after 12 weeks of age,
Litter Box Trained.
Eating on their Own
Not separated from their mother any earlier then 8 weeks of age.
Have received at least two sets of appropriate Vaccination Shots
Consistently De-Wormed ( at least but not limited too 3 times)
Feces Exam for clearance on any bacteria or parasites
Micro chipped for ID
Registered Veterinarian Health Check-Up Exam (if needed other checkups as well)
We spend several hours daily with our Kittens, and are handled from the day that there born, they are well socialized and not shy, they are playful and show affection.
We also have tested our Adults to make sure none of them are a "Carrier for diseases", this ensures your Kitten is clear from hereditary diseases as well.

All of our Client's receive a weekly update on there kittens and watch them grow, this includes, photos, videos and even live video calls (upon request) Have a Samsung phone? No worries we use discord for video calls too.
We believe in Hygiene so your Kitten will be Bathed/ Waterless Shampoo, Pet Wiped down, with Dental Care, Ear Cleaning and Nail Trimming a few times before leaving Our Cattery.
We are Black and White with our Client's, very blunt and honest, Once a Client puts a Deposit on the Kitten they Choose, and the Kitten Care Sheet/ Pet Contract is signed, that Kitten is reserved. No one else may claim that kitten even if they offer us more money for that kitten then the Client that the Kitten is already reserved for.
All payments can be processed with PayPal. We accept checks or money orders but they have to be cashed in advance, we do accept cash, but never mail money through the post office.
Cash is only acceptable in person.
For convenience
PayPal: fairytailbengals@yahoo.com
*Note* If you are paying by PayPal, and want to avoid extra charges from PayPal, We would recommend “sending to a friend” transaction, so you do not get charged an extra fee. However if you want to send where there is a fee, You're responsible for the extra processing amount PayPal charges, for they receive it we do not. Unless FAIRY TAIL BENGALS receives the amount, any extra charges that accrue from third party currency exchanges will NOT be added to the balance due for your kitten.
(Please review PayPal’s policies if you are unsure as to whether your payment will incur charges.)
All of our Kittens are "Lifetime" ISO Microchipped, this means it is paid for for the lifetime of that animal and you wont ever have to worry about paying yearly fees. It's already all paid for and included in your kittens price. Microchipping helps if your pet is ever separated from you, there is a pretty high percentage that the chances of your pet being reunited to you.
Please check out our "Information Page" on Microchipping if you have any questions on about how it works.
Each Kitten comes with:
ISO Microchipped
Microchipped Registration Papers
Microchip ID #
pan-flit about Microchip/Registration
Microchip Red-Tag #
Owner& Pet ID Information Card
​Pictures are worth a thousand words but of course, there's nothing like being in the present and they're more breathtaking in person anyways!
We always welcome people to actually see what they're getting.
A Bengal Kitty isn't for everyone,
so we recommend you to visit and learn first hand if a Bengal is right for you!
The experience in visiting them is truly priceless.
Our cattery is in our home, visits are by appointment only.
cattery visitations are limited to clients who have either paid a $100 Visitation deposit
(The deposit must be paid prior to the visit)
who reserved a kitten with a $300 deposit.
The deposits are not refundable. Both of these payments will be applied toward the final price of your kitten.
Visitation Hours are between 10am - 4pm.
We need at least 72 hours notice if you would like to visit our cattery and your kitten.
you must submit a $100 to get onto our wait list
(this does include a Visitation visit)
All kittens are held with paid deposits Only.
You may place a $300 Kitten Deposit for Pet Only.
To hold your kitten you want before anyone else can claims the kitten.
FairyTailBengals accepts only PayPal, Cash or Money Orders.
No animal is 100 percent Hypoallergenic, not everyone is allergic to Bengals, Bengals are on the top 10 list to being Hypoallergenic but this doesn't mean you might not break out still if you have allergic reactions already, most people are not allergic to Bengals, but there is still that small percentage out there where they experience an allergic reaction.
When you adopt a Bengal you will learn why Bengals are Amazing since they are not just a cat but an "Exotic Breed" which makes them most desirable and rare.
Bengals are fairly new, Discovered in the 1960's - 1970's.
People don't even know what a Bengal is a lot of the time, When hearing the name they think of Bengal Tigers right away or that it's a Bengal dog breed.
Bengals do come from the "Asian Leopard"
However Bengals "do not" have the wild doemanter where they can potentiality harm you, Instead Bengals have the behavior of a loving house cat but the look of the wild leopard.
Shipping Prices within USA
Shipping in the United States is an additional $450 - $750. We use a courier!
Shipping International Prices ( NO SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL ATM )
Shipping Internationally cost more than U.S.
Shipping, is different due to each country has their own set of rules and regulations for imports