These are the important questions to ask your Bengal Breeder, We recommend you to please ask these questions,
whether you buy from FairyTailBengals or not, this is helpful information when you find a Bengal Breeder.
If a Breeder does not take proper steps as in testing to ensure you have a healthy cat, not just for now but in the future, you risk getting a cat that may develop serious issues with fatal consequences.
If a breeder does not want to answer any questions you have about Bengals, you shouldn't buy a cat from them and find another breeder who will answer your questions and do testing/proper steps.
A Bengal Kitten's price should not be your only concern. If you purchase from an unethical Breeder, vet bills are not cheap and you could spend thousands of dollars in testings or medication and your cat could still die.

A Breeder should never use a Health guarantee to replace testing. Anyone can tell you anything and make promises but don't believe them unless they can provide proof. Maybe you know a friend selling them cheap under the table and think, "Why not!" I'd rather pay under $1000 for a Bengal. But what does a "Deal at the time" matter if you purchase an animal, make precious memories with them and they die because your Breeder was all talk and didn't "Show" you anything or being stingy for not wanting to do testings and health checkups.
You have no idea what that animal may be carrying, or what issues might develop that can run you more than what you initially paid for that animal, if it's not properly taken care of or parent's weren't tested in the first place.
If you do purchase a low price, and it does end up passing, your stuck dealing with heart break, along with hassle from that Breeder who refuses to work with you because they already got your money. Most cases, Breeders will work with you to replace that animal, but how can someone replace anything that is part of your family?
You can find animals for any price out there, most chances are if that animal is under $1000 it hasn't been properly tested or maintained and that Breeder hasn't invested much into that animal.
Make sure that the Breeder is Ethical.
Things To Ask & Be Aware
When searching for a Bengal don't be afraid to ask questions,
Be sure to ask for proof:
PKD & PRA-b DNA Testing, These are DNA tests through U.C. Davis in California or Optimal Selections
HCM Screening Test Results
Ask for Official 5 year pedigrees for the Sires and Dams
Ask to see Certification Titles of the Sires and Dams and there Cattery
Ask for there Contract
Ask Questions
If you can't physically visit the cattery, then ask for real time videos or video time with the Breeder to see the kittens.
Make sure the Breeder doesn't just show you the Kittens, you should be able to see the SIRE and DAM and the condition there in as well is where there kept, look around is the Breeders house clean? Does it smell?
If you cannot be provided all of this information this is red flags!
Make sure your Breeder is:
Registered with at least one Cat Association
Has there Own Website
Has a FaceBook
Never Buy off of shady websites as in Craigslist, reputational Breeders will have there own website and will be out in the open, not selling under the table.
Things to watch out for:
No Website
No FaceBook
Kittens Sneezing, that's a problem, could be Virus (herpes) and conjunctivitis eyes
Kitten has parasites, fleas, ticks, or ear mites
Kitten has ring worm, fungus, sores, bumps or cuts
Kitten shy and not well socialized, do they hiss at you?
Take a look around the breeder's house, does the Breeder's home appear clean and without bad odors?
What is the condition of the breeding cats? If you are not allowed to see the breeding cats or visit the home, this is a red flag.
Make sure the pictures they provide or advertise are their own.
Don't get scammed with pictures stolen from the internet.
Read reviews on that Breeder/ Cattery, see what other's have to say about them.
Kittens within 12 Weeks of age:
Kittens are sold after 12 months of age, don't let anyone sell them a week or more before
Kittens shouldn't be separated from their mother any earlier then 8 weeks (mothers teach them a lot)
Kittens should receive at least two sets of vaccinations and are consistently de-wormed (documentation should be provided)
Kittens should be micro-chipped in this time frame
Kittens should at least be seen by a registered Veterinarian for a "Certification Health Check-Up" as well as other check-ups if necessary as in feces test to check for a clearance on parasites or bacteria
(documentation should be provided)
What is the Breeder parasite protocol?
Each breeder should have a course of medications that they use to “de-worm” the kittens.
These are all things I would recommend on being cautious about and do your research before placing a "Deposit."